When it rains. . . . .
Stuff Happens.
My wife hit a tree branch with her leg when mowing. 16 stitches and a lot of doctor bills. As the wound was healing she got a blood clot in the other leg. Major bummer. Then the furnace quit in my shop. Now I have a wife who I dearly love who is wounded and ill.
I'm not cold, wet or hungry so I have no real complaints. She is healing well and I will get heat going again. When I think of all the people who are worse off I realize how lucky I am. One bit of luck is that our parents taught us to be cautious with money and we didn't get burned in the recent financial meltdown.
I am working on a little Ducati Monza 160. It is coming along nicely. I can still warm the small shop enough with portable electric heaters to get some done as long as it isn't too cold outside. I will soon take the engine to the Ducati Guru and then burn incense, say the proper incantations, and hope that the engine can be made well for minimum investment. I am trying to get enough dough together to buy a friend's Ducati 900SS/FE. The final edition of the SuperSport was a numbered series of 300 imported. If I get it I will sell my other supersport. I like my '97, which has been tweaked quite a bit, but it hasn't the collector value or sheer beauty of the FE.
The recent problems have really triggered my basic insecurities but I am now back to my normal, or usual, curmudgeonly self. I'm basically an optimist posing as a cynic.
Be well, do good, and keep in touch.